

Sue Ryder offers counselling on aging and old age-related issues, as well as care for seniors in the Czech Republic. In October 2017, Sue Ryder opened a portal with answers to frequently asked questions regarding aging.

You can ask our social workers about whatever you are interested in concerning social services in Prague or our social care in the Sue Ryder.



Residential care

Sue Ryder provides seniors with long-term, 24-hour-a-day residential care. Our care is based on knowing and understanding our clients’ life stories and hence being able to:

  • create a relationship with the client in question
  • provide individualized care, respecting the specific needs of each client
  • support clients’ self-sufficiency to the maximum possible extent, thanks to knowing their habits and rituals
  • support the clients’ feeling of self-worth
  • understand clients’ behaviour more easily
  • slow down dementia

We strive to adapt to the needs of our clients, rather than making the clients adapt to the procedures and processes in our home. We apply the psycho-biographical care model.

We endeavour to maintain clients’ dignity to the very end, with the help of palliative care for clients with a terminal illness.

Personal assistance

Personal assistance is another social service provided by Sue Ryder to clients in their own homes or clients from other social institutions.

The service is aimed at elderly or physically disabled persons who have low levels of self-sufficiency. The services provided depend on the individual needs of each client and are fully personalized. Assistance is provided especially with household upkeep and daily needs such as personal hygiene etc. Crucially, assistance services enable visits to the doctor and walks outside.

The assistants provide support while visiting public institutions, help with advocacy of personal rights and concerns, consult on social problems and facilitate visits to cultural and social events.

Assistants offer their time and care in the familiar home environment of our clients.

They therefore help reduce the isolation of clients at home and help integrate them back into society.


Coordinated Approach to Senior Care